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What are Snugs?

The traditional pub snug was a small private lounge area for patrons who preferred not to be seen in the public bar. Clergy and the local police officer could enjoy a discreet pint of ale or nip of gin without being seen and until the 1960’s and even into the 1970’s women were not allowed in the public bar but could have a drink in the snug. Snugs also became the meeting space for local matchmaking where marriages would be arranged.

How do I Book a Snug at The Hawk & Griffin?

Just give us a call at 703-261-6707 or send us an email at we'd be pleased to help you reserve a Snug for your event!

Snug bookings can be made at least a week in advance and have a ten-person minimum. The first two hours are free of charge and any portion of time after will be $50/hour. There is no fee associated with booking the Snug however a 20% gratuity will be added to the check. Due to the gratuity, we ask that only one check be made for the party. Our Snugs are the “Hawk” and “Griffin”. The Hawk can accommodate up to 16 people, seated, and the Griffin 12. The seating in each Snug is separate although we can make a few of the tables a bit larger.

With all large parties, we ask that a majority of your group be in attendance before seating. All large parties that do not have at least half of their party in attendance within fifteen minutes will be added to the waitlist. In the event you have booked two Snugs, we will seat one Snug at a time.

Planning a Birthday party, Private event?

Don't hesitate, book a Snug today!